Friday night I was blessed with a ticket to see Sarah Mclachlan for the second time in my life. The first time I saw her was 6 years ago at the Montreal Bell Center. It was an amazing night where I ended up front row center infront of one of my favorite artists. This time it was a much smaller and more intimate setting at Theatre St-Denis. I was excited to see her perform as well as see the opening act Butterfly Boucher (she opened for Sarah during her Afterglow tour.) I had never seen her before she first opened for Sarah's first tour and was blown away. She was amazing! You may very well have heard one of her songs before if you watch Greys Anatomy. Her song "A bitter song" was made famous by that show. Here, have a listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6gASIf6h5k&feature=related I really recommend you take some time to get to know this very talented artist.
Like most shows you expect to see the opening artists each take their turn on stage and then the main even starts. The lights dropped soon after 7:30. In the small venue you could barely make out the forms taking their places on stage. Slowly the lights turned back on and a gentle melody began to fill the theater. Beautiful vocals joined the acoustics and before I could realize what was happening Sarah Mclachlan was standing center stage. I looked to my friend beside me in utter shock to see the main act starting the show. After melting the crowd with her angelic voice for a few songs she introduced her "backup singers" and to everyone's surprise these two talented singers turned out to be the opening acts (Butterfly and Melissa Mclelland) Each women took center stage in turn, backed by the band and Sarah herself, sharing the artwork of their souls with the audience. Despite the power of these artists I found myself drifting back to watching Sarah sing. Using the word angelic does not come close to describing her presence on stage. This woman feels music in a way that no one else does. If you watch closely her body, specifically her hands, glide with the music in a way that feels as though they are an extension of her voice.
I have many favorite moments from that show (personally this was my favorite concert to date.) "Possession" was the first Sarah Mclachlan song that I had ever heard. I fell in love with this haunting melody it right away, however not being very experienced in life I truly didn't understand the words until my early twenties. It is far from a romantic song, it takes you through an emotional journey that I can only describe as erotically perverse. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEF1Pl5YXKw&feature=fvsr) Of course not all her songs are for the stalker in you, some are filled with love stories as well as "divorce" stories. The journey is diverse and so enjoyable to follow. As a huge fan it was amazing to hear old favorites like "tears of endearment" and "ice cream" and new favorites like "loving you is easy."
Esthetically the stage was simple but beautiful. There was an amazing family feeling to the band and other acts. You felt a genuine affection among them. I highly recommend seeing Sarah if you ever get the chance. I leave you a snippet of her show in Boston with one of Butterfly's songs as well as the two opening acts performing a few songs. Enjoy, and happy trails.