Good morning friends. As always I hope this finds you healthy and happy and the you have the opportunity to feel the warm sun on your face this morning.
I have been inconsistent in posting since the shows we love have ended. Life as always takes priority and I find having the time to write down my thoughts difficult at the best of times. I can not complain about how my life is going. My Boston Terrier is now 14 months old and wins the hearts of everyone she meets. She is my 4 legged child and I love her to death. My partner and I looking into buying our first home next year so we have been in full research mode for the last few weeks. All in all, we are very fortunate and happy, isn't that all that matters?
The world around us has been ever changing. In the last few months we have seen parts of Canada being faced with flooding and other natural disasters. New York state has legalized gay marriage. Scandals have erupted in politics, well everywhere. Canada has been taken over, well almost, by the "orange crush." The list can go on forever. Who knows where we will be sitting this time next year.
I had a whole blog spot set up in my head today. However now that I sit here writing it, I realize it is not what I had expected to write. I had intended on going on another long rant about the progressive extinction of the "gentleman butch." And what came out was what you are reading. This does not mean that the above idea not become a blog post of the future, its just moving over for something else this morning. It is amazing the way the brain works and how it can easily go off into tangents at any given time.
So thats all for today my friends. I plan on writing soon. Hugs to you all