Greetings from the fish bowl gentle viewers. Its the early A.M here and I`m feeling in the mood to blog . Personally I have no idea what the idea of the post will be, I just feel like talking. I don`t feel like being angry, I don`t feel like yelling or throwing things... I just feel like me.
I am 5 weeks away from my vacation and saying I can`t wait would be the understatement of a lifetime. I`m saving all my cash, and if things go the way I hope, *My L* and I will be in the Dominican the whole first week of November. The last time I was on vacation was to celebrate leaving fast food and the beginning of my career at RBC. I wonder whether I`ll be celebrating a new position at work this time as well? I am looking forward to the sun, sand and a week away with *My L*. Nothing in the world is better then time with her.
I am feeling a bit tired these last few days. Last week I had strep throat and I personally don't feel like I`ve actually recovered. Its just been busy at work for 6 weeks and I am feeling the heat. I don't get any down time during my day and I feel like I have a ton of work to do (which I know I do.) I have so much I want to get done with my team, and it feels like I cant get anywhere. We`re either to busy to do anything or do tired to care. I`ve resorted to every trick I have, from camp, from Wendy's (but not from BK... thank god.) Tomorrow I`m gonna get up early and try and be at work at 11. I am going to instill the "appreciation board," from the good old days of camp massawippi. I want so badly for this team to do well. We are 7 people when other teams are 20, yet we are third place in our results. Things keep going this way, I`ll be on burn out. If I don't get the coach job I don't know what else I could possibly do...
I wonder how you are all doing tonight? I wonder who you are. I actually know a few of you and maybe some of you I don't. Its weird that there are people out there who know so much about me and I don't know you. How did you come across my little fish bowl?
Drop me a time sometime...
peace out!
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