Sunday, March 30, 2008

Well arent we a dumbass

Tonight is my first night in my own apartment. I cant bring myself to go to sleep yet. Its quiet and lonely here and I`m not quite sure what to do with myself. Its cold and dark and I feel lost. I have my cats here, equally confused by the situation.
I don't know what to do anymore. I`m torn and confused and frankly just want a drink. I just want to hide under a rock. Oddly enough I wish someone would just take care of me right now. Wrap themselves around me and for those few minutes let me believe that life was ok...


goldnhot said...

I just want to say that i really do sympathise with you...i have been exactly where you are and it is the loneliest place in the will get through it and there are better times ahead...i promise. You should come for coffee or a drink with Mel and I sometime. Anytime you like! Chin up, there is someone out there just waiting to love you!!!....It's Vicky by the way lol, never used this site before so not sure if you will be able to know who sent it!

A Dyke in Kings Clothing said...
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