Monday, March 8, 2010

Off in the night while you live it up I'm off to sleep/Waging wars to shake the poet and the beat/I hope it's gonna make you notice

Afternoon gentle viewers. I know! I`m back so soon!!! I find myself wanting to write more this week. Since the Olympics have come and gone I thought I would give you my review of the opening and closing and everything that happened in between.
Since the opening ceremonies happened while I was in Cuba I only had the opportunity to watch them after the Olympics had ended. As much as I clapped and jumped around watching team Canada march in (I was grateful for the power to fast forward) I found it at times boring and uneventful (much like the prairies.) K.D Lang was impressive and the aerials on the prairies and fiddlers were fun and energetic I found it lacked any real energy. 
The closing ceremonies were far more fun. Feeling more like a rock show then anything else. Well except for the giant inflatable beavers and mounties, those I have never seen at any rock concert! 
In between both of these parties were the actual sporting events. I had the good fortune to witness our first Gold on Canadian soil as well as re watch the same clip 107 times the following morning. Like all Canadians I was proud to finally have this moment and all subsequent metals that followed.
As with every Olympic I was glued to my TV to watch the Canadian Woman overtake the US in hockey (as we did as well, less easily, in men's hockey as well.) I, again, as always got emotional and teary eyed and the sight of the women`s team, my idols, having the gold metal placed over their heads. 
Overall I`d say that this was a pretty good Olympics. I could have done without all the lip singing during both the opening and closing ceremonies, but what can you do.
So I ask you all, what did you think? - Moir and Virtue Everybody Dance Now - Joannie Rocette - Vole

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Into your eyes/Hopeless and taken/We stole our new lives/Through blood an pain/In defense of our dreams

Good evening gentle viewers. I hope this finds you having a pleasant evening. I know I haven't been around a lot lately. In only 3 weeks I will have Internet access that will allow me to post on a more consistent basis. I feel like I have 300 things to talk about and I`m trying to prioritize my brain to cause minimal impact to your sanity.
Its been almost 6 months since my close friend and colleague passed away. Also in 2 days it would have been her 3 year anniversary at RBC, an occasion she`ll never see. She has been in my thoughts a lot in the last few weeks. I have done my best to remember all the good things about her, but frankly I just miss her so damn much. So many little things make me think about her and how unfair I feel life is. It still feels raw and far from "healing," which is a cruel feeling. I still have a hard time believing I`ll never see her again.
I received an email from someone I knew years ago. Essentially it was a "coming out" email and from what I gathered (and what she insinuated) this was the first time that she had made any outward expression of her sexuality. Firstly, I was immensely touched that she had reached out to me. In life you are rarely given the opportunity to support someone through something that, at times is traumatic, and often is extremely difficult. I sincerely hope that I can be of at least some help. Secondly, I flashed to a conversation I had with a friend I worked with way back at Wendy`s. She had asked why I put myself out there so much as a gay individual. I responded simply that if I could make life easier for one person, if I could have a positive impact on one person in life, then all the pain, all the fighting would be worth it. And situations like this really do make me feel like there is a pay off for all the work.
I guess that should be it for the evening. I have no desire to overload you with my brain farts this evening. I should, of course, be getting my ass to bed soon. I am looking forward to being able to write more often for you all. I appreciate everyone of you and the comments I`ve received. I truly do appreciate having you here and knowing that we all have a connection. I wish you all sweet dreams and happy days.

Until next time.